Back to reality after a loss

Back to reality after a loss

Life prepares us for the final goodbye, which means death, through multiple farewells, since childhood. As we grow, we close cycles that imply a farewell, such as the end of studies, moving from the mother’s house, the marital separation or divorce and, of course, the death of a loved one.

Denial, the first stage of the duel

Denial, the first stage of the duel

It is natural to refuse the death of a loved one. It is the first reaction of humans and the first stage of the grieving process. Specialists point out that it is a phase of much pain, anguish, anxiety and even rage. However, they also indicate that, normally, the mourners overcome this first phase successfully.

The mourning before a violent death

The mourning before a violent death

It is important to show understanding, sensitivity and respect when analyzing the feelings that unleashes facing a violent death. Unfortunately, innumerable violent deaths occur daily and witnesses are hit by this fact for a long time.

Physical manifestations of grief due to a loss

Physical manifestations of grief due to a loss

When people face a loss, whether it is a family member or a friend, they experience pain, anger and fear. It is normal; however, when these feelings worsen and the person does not look for help to dissipate them, physical signs that affect health may appear.

Visit the cemetery to honor the dead

Visit the cemetery to honor the dead

The visit to the deceased in the cemetery is a ritual that has been maintained in various cultures as a commemoration. Many families go to the cemetery for the anniversary of the death of a relative, on the date of his birthday, in Christmas or the last day of the year. That day they clean the place, they bring a floral offering and they also talk to their relatives.