The visit to the deceased in the cemetery is a ritual that has been maintained in various cultures as a commemoration. Many families go to the cemetery for the anniversary of the death of a relative, on the date of his birthday, in Christmas or the last day of the year. That day they clean the place, they bring a floral offering and they also talk to their relatives.
The visit to the cemetery is a way to honor the memory of the deceased. Likewise, it allows adapting to a new reality through the assimilation of the loss. Going to the cemetery is a sign of understanding that the loved one is no longer around and that he will not return. But it is also the reaffirmation that his memory is still alive in the minds and hearts of his relatives, who several times a year gather before the grave to show respect.
Although they know that the deceased can not hear them, it comforts them to be able to express freely in front of the tombstone. And although this is not considered by specialists as a therapy, the effect on the mourners can be therapeutic.
The visit to the cemetery is the opportunity the relatives have to maintain contact with the person who has died, remember the moments they lived together and even cry and let out the pain they feel for their departure.
Some psychologists point out that the visit to the cemetery helps in the grieving process. It is a ritual that includes the selection and purchase of the flowers, the transfer to the cemetery, the meeting with other relatives to share the visit, the cleaning and the arrangement of the place to share the moment.
All these steps allow mourners to internalize and accept death, maintain a positive attitude and help to “celebrate” the life of the loved one who does not accompany them in the physical world.