Both are part of the mourning. At first the relatives can feel helpless because of the decease of a loved one, feel angry because they have left them alone. At that moment people feel that they cannot change the situation, that it is irremediable, and that they have lost absolutely everything in relation to the person who died. And this feeling of impotence that the majority defines as resignation is normal. Moreover, it becomes a kind of palliative to not cause more pain to other family members, because they usually do their best to stop talking about who is no longer with them.

Resignation, as was said before, is a stage of mourning. When the person stays in it, when he is not able to go on, he may then require specialized help. However, normally the mourners go on to another stage of mourning which is acceptance, and which allows them to see the situation from a more serene and evolutionary point of view. When the person who has lost a loved one accepts such a fact, this does not mean that he will take that person out of his life forever. On the contrary, by accepting his death, all the good and beautiful moments lived, the shared joys, the restlessness for a good cause or as support to other people or the care of the children come to mind. Acceptance helps to give value to all the moments lived with the relative that has died and to remember him from the happy and fortunate moments of life.
Resignation, in mourning, almost always gives way to the acceptance that life continues, that it does not stay stagnant because our loved ones are no longer physically by our side. It is important, of course, to remember that death is only the end of the physical body, after a period of time in which the individuals can complete their growth and development. So, when a person dies the family members can take refuge in the most fortunate memories with that person instead of clinging to their physical absence, and continue life by always offering respect and honoring their memory.