It is natural to die. It’s part of life. Understanding it is difficult, hard and sad. However, it is the reality: we live to die someday. Given this irremediable fact it is important to be realistic, because it is the only way to understand what happens when a loved one dies. Moreover, it is the way to preserve optimism and cope with adversity.

When a relative is sick and the diagnosis is irreversible, the family members know that they have started the path towards the end. Family commotion at the news of a terminal or chronic illness manifests through sadness, pain, anger and even apathy.

However, it is important not to get stuck in those feelings. On the contrary, the fundamental thing is to keep our feet on the ground in order to enjoy as much as possible with sick relative. How? By accompanying him, visiting him in the hospital or at home, preparing him his favorite food so that he can share with the rest of the family or friends, playing the music he likes and sharing his joy.

To achieve this, mind and spirit calm is required. Serenity is the basis of understanding and when all family members are calm they can organize activities not only for caring for the sick but also for enjoying his presence, teachings and memories.

Although there is no rule book on how to act in the face of the death of a loved one, there are many recommendations that work. First, it is important to accept on the one hand the limitations of the human being to understand that one day it will come to an end, and on the other, the limitations of science. Second, accept that it is natural to feel sadness, pain and impotence at the idea of ​​death. Third, opt for communication as an ally to cope with the situation. Fourth, make the most of each moment with the patient to laugh, walk if possible, maybe look at old photographs and remember the moments lived. Fifth, resolve any conflict that may have arisen in the past and that no longer has the slightest importance.