People feel a lot of pain and anxiety when their pet dies. The mourning is similar to that experienced when a human loved one is lost. It is inevitable to cry, ask why his death has happened, or feel angry because that partner will no longer be waiting at home when the owner is back.
The death of the pet or assistance animal deeply affects children and old people. Both are directly connected with the animals at home and with whom they share important moments, play and go for a walk. One way to help them is by accompanying them in their grief, listening to them talking about what happened and giving them hope with the possibility of having another animal by their side later on.
It is important not to accelerate the grieving process but to allow the affected to live it naturally. Family and friends may be tempted to give them a new pet. However, if the mourner is not ready for that the result may be feelings of anger, denial and more sadness. The advisable thing is to allow the owner of the pet calm down little by little, enters in contact with the objects of the animal and decides what he wants to do. He could donate them or keep them for a new partner.
Being able to say goodbye is vital for those who the pet becomes the only companion of life. They are usually elderly, widowed, divorced or old couples whose children married and moved away. In this case, if the animal is in the veterinary clinic, the owner should accompany him, talk sweetly about how important he has been in his life and how much he loves him. It’s a hard moment but it allows the owner to say goodbye to that special friend.
When it comes to children, we must be attentive to their reactions to the loss, such as mood swings, rebelliousness and difficulty to adapt to the new reality, since they will not have the pet to play with, take him out, feed or groom him. It is a change to which they will need to adapt progressively and parents are their main support in the process.