Anguish and sadness are common feelings in a person who’s about to die. The company and support of the family are of great help to deal with these feelings and to get free from the anguish that don’t let the person die in peace. Words of courage and the recognition to a life of achievements may bring happiness and quietness, so the person who’s about to die will know her life was not in vain, that she was of great help for others and that their happiness is her biggest reward.
Family and friends role in everything related to death is of great importance. Beyond their feelings of fear, pain, sadness or anger the relatives must accompany the person who’s about to die with honesty and love. They have the chance to bring back the most beautiful, happiest and funniest moments they lived together. This is a form of recognition to a positive life based on values and commitment.
When death is so close there is no place for silence or lies. The person who’s about to die is aware of what’s going to happen and the most humanitarian thing to do is to bring support by listening to her, talking with her about whatever she wants, fulfilling her last will as far as it is possible with much love, even though it may seem capricious.
Of course, it may also be helpful to share her moments of silence, since thoughts of death are so disturbing, particularly because death is always associated with physical pain and suffering despite it may happen quietly like just sleeping.
While the person who is about to die is lucid we must respect her decisions and points of view. To contradict her or try to dissuade her because we consider she’s not right would be a lack of respect and consideration.
The closeness of death brings a big chance to the relatives to remind the person who’s about to die of her achievements and qualifications, to show her their love sincerely and to finally give her permission to say goodbye in peace, knowing that those who survive will stay well once she’s not in this world.