Gratitude is more than a few words during the funeral, a poem to pay tribute or a floral arrangement for those who have passed away –elements which are equally important–. Gratitude is shown through respect towards the person, the teachings and values that he transmitted to others while he was alive.

One way to be grateful to our deceased is by honoring their memory. We should talk mostly about their best moments in life, their good sense of humor, their friendly attitude when they were alive. This helps mourners to keep those who have died in their mind and heart and relieves the sadness that this painful event causes among family and friends.

Another form of gratitude is honoring the values ​​and customs passed on to us by the person who has just died. It includes keeping in mind the principles of honesty, ethics and morals that the person maintained during his life and transmitted to his children and relatives. The education received at home from this person is of great value and it is almost impossible to lose it. However, circumstances may arise in life in which the person feels weak and tempted not to act according to his principles. It is at that moment when the teachings of his deceased relative become stronger, manifest timely and give hope.

Honoring the memory of those who have died through gratitude is of great help during the mourning. People who are grateful feel much peaceful and have a great capacity to keep their thoughts quiet. Thankfulness allows them to focus on the positive aspects of the relative who has died, on the moments they lived together, on his teachings and how he faced life. Gratitude opens the doors of hope, trust and peace and keep people’s mind away from doubt, pain, guilt, and the sense of loss. By saying thank you, out loud or in our thoughts, we pay tribute to people who just strived to have a decent life and to transmit positive values ​​and principles to their family and friends when being alive.